Park Place

Location: Boca Raton
Markets: Mixed Use, Retail
Client: Schmier & Fuerring

Park Place, coupled with Altis of Boca Raton, is an engaging mixed-use space that was designed to combine a true live, work, play experience in the heart of Boca Raton.


This mixed-use development included 64,000 SF of retail ground-up development as well as a new multi-family 280 unit luxury apartment building. This project required significant coordination to rezone the parcels to the City's Planned Mixed Development (PMD) zoning classification. In addition to the site design, Andrea coordinated the design and construction of a new signalized intersection on Military Trail.


Due to the multi-developer nature of this project, special attention was made to ensure each site could function and be maintained independently while also working together. Attention to each client's individual needs and schedules is what made this project a big success.

*Project was completed during Virgin’s time at Thomas Engineering Group, LLC.

I have no hesitancy in saying that Andrea Virgin is one of the best engineers that we have ever worked with. She is extremely qualified and represents her clients with the utmost professionalism. I look forward to working with her again in the very near future.

Ross Fuerring from Schmier & Fuerring
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  • Altis Boca Raton